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Publication Type:
Title:There's no "I" in teamwork: However, all EYES were on Citizens Bank Park August 20th & 21st
Column Name:Pitch perfection
Other records with the "Pitch perfection" Column
Section:Playing surfaces
Other records with the "Playing surfaces" Section
Source:PanStadia & Arena Management. 3rd Quarter 2021, p. 24-25.
Publishing Information:Castle Donington, Derbyshire, United Kingdom: Panstadia Publishing Co. Ltd.
# of Pages:2
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Anonymous. 2021. There's no "I" in teamwork: However, all EYES were on Citizens Bank Park August 20th & 21st. Panstadia Int. Quart. Rep. p. 24-25.
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