Full TGIF Record # 333568
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Web URL(s):https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2023am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/151535
    Last checked: 12/08/2023
Publication Type:
Content Type:Abstract or Summary only
Author(s):McCallum, Dillon; Horvath, Brandon J.; Amundsen, Keenan; Warnke, Scott E.; Hadziabdic, Denita; Pantalone, Vince
Author Affiliation:McCallum: Presenting Author and University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN; Horvath: Department of Plant Sciences, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN; Amundsen: University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE; Warnke: Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit and USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD; Hadziabdic: Entomology and Plant Pathology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN; Pantalone: Plant Sciences, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN
Title:The transcriptome of the dollar spot-bentgrass pathosystem over the time-course of infection
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Meeting Info.:St. Louis, Missouri: October 29-November 1, 2023
Source:ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting. 2023, p. 151535.
Publishing Information:[Madison, Wisconsin]: [American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America]
# of Pages:1
Abstract/Contents:"Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) is the most economically important bentgrass because of its prolific use on golf courses. Dollar spot (Clarireedia jacksonii) is one of the most widespread fungal diseases in turfgrass systems and is especially damaging to creeping bentgrass. Thus, more money is spent on fungicides to control this fungus than any other each year. Due to the heavy reliance on fungicide application, many dollar spot populations have developed fungicide resistance, limiting superintendents' ability to control large scale outbreaks. The objective of this study is to investigate the transcriptional differences between creeping and colonial bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris), a species of bentgrass that is more resistant to dollar spot, after being infected with the fungus. I hypothesize colonial bentgrass will display higher resistance to dollar spot inoculation than creeping bentgrass due to the many differentially expressed genes between the two species. To test this hypothesis, pots of both bentgrass species will be inoculated and then diseased tissue will be harvested for RNAseq at different timepoints during infection. Now that the full genomes of a cultivar from both creeping and colonial bentgrass have been sequenced, RNAseq data will be used to physically locate genes associated with dollar spot resistance and susceptibility and create markers that can be utilized by breeders to make more resistant cultivars."
Note:This item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
McCallum, D., B. J. Horvath, K. Amundsen, S. E. Warnke, D. Hadziabdic, and V. Pantalone. 2023. The transcriptome of the dollar spot-bentgrass pathosystem over the time-course of infection. Agron. Abr. p. 151535.
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    Last checked: 12/08/2023
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