Full TGIF Record # 40451
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    Last checked: 06/25/2013
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Crist, Gary
Author Affiliation:Gary Crist is an attorney based os West Palm Beach, Fl., specializing in sports and entertainment law.
Title:Managers & owners take heed: You may be liable for on-course injuries
Section:Guest Commentary
Other records with the "Guest Commentary" Section
Source:Golf Course News. Vol. 5 [6], No. 11, November 1994, p. 9, 12.
Publishing Information:Yarmouth, ME: United Publications
# of Pages:2
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Litigation; Injuries; Liability; Golfers
Abstract/Contents:Discusses the liability issue among golfers, course owners, and mangagers concerning suits filed against golf courses as a result of errant and destructive and/or harmful golf shots. Explains that those involved in the golf industry are thoughroughly misled concerning who is liable in such situations, stating that past and present cases have invariably resulted in decisions being made where the operator, designer or course operator are at fault. Exhorts such golf figures to be more cautious.
Note:Drawing of Gary Crist
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Crist, G. 1994. Managers & owners take heed: You may be liable for on-course injuries. Golf Course News. 5 [6](11):p. 9, 12.
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