Full TGIF Record # 72158
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Turco, Ronald F.
Author Affiliation:Purdue University
Title:Innovative water quality management utilizing wetlands construction on a golf course
Section:Environmental impact of golf
Other records with the "Environmental impact of golf" Section
Source:2000 Turfgrass and Environmental Research Summary [USGA]. 2000, p. 56.
Publishing Information:Far Hills, NJ: United States Golf Association
# of Pages:1
Full Report URL:http://turf.lib.msu.edu/rprl/634.pdf
    Last checked: 9/2001
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    Notes: This is the entire full report!
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Constructed wetlands; Golf courses in the environment; Golf courses; Water quality; Water use; Water management; Wetlands; Effluent water; Effluent water use; Environmental stewardship; Environmental protection; Surface runoff; Contamination; Water pollution
Abstract/Contents:Presents a study with the following objectives: "1. Use a golf course wetland to improve residential runoff. 2. Protect and improve a sensitive wetland environment. 3. Regenerate water supplies for golf course use." This project will determine "if the created wetlands on Purdue's new Kampen Golf Course can filter possible impurities in runoff from the adjacent neighborhood." States "it appears that as the golf course and wetlands mature, they become more efficient in improving the quality of water as it flow through the course." Reports that "key parameters like nitrogen and pesticide concentrations were either decreased as the water circulated through the golf course wetlands or were not detectable at either sampling site," and that "no unusually high levels of any of a wide array of potential pollutants, incluing pesticides and metals, were detected at the golf course sampling sites." This five-year study began in 1998.
See Also:See also related manuscript, Water Quality Management on Purdue's Kampen Golf Course, 2000, R=215198. R=215198
See Also:Other Reports from this USGA research project: 1998-42-150
Note:Pictures, color
USGA Summary Points:As the golf course and the wetland mature, they become more efficient in improving the water quality as it flows through the course. Key parameters like nitrogen and pesticide concentrations were either decreased as the water circulated through the golf course wetlands or were not detectable at either sampling site. No unusually high levels of any of a wide array of potential pollutants, including pesticides and metals, were detected at the golf course sampling sites.
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Turco, R. F. 2000. Innovative water quality management utilizing wetlands construction on a golf course. Turfgrass Environ Res. Summ. p. 56.
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    Last checked: 9/2001
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    Notes: This is the entire full report!
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