Full TGIF Record # 74367
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Web URL(s):http://web.archive.org/web/20061205204057/http://www.uoguelph.ca/GTI/itsweb/proceedings.pdf#page=31
    Last checked: 05/23/2017
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Abstract or Summary only
Author(s):Liu, J.; Guo, A.; Zheng, Y.; Guo, H.; Zhou, J.; Chen, S.; He, S.
Author Affiliation:Institute of Botany, Jiangsu Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences
Title:The assessment and improvement of warm season turfgrasses genetic resource conducted in East China during 1993-2000
Other records with the "Abstracts" Section
Meeting Info.:Toronto, Ontario, Canada: 15-21 July, 2001
Source:IXth International Turfgrass Research Conference. Vol. 9, 2001, p. 63-64.
Publishing Information:[Toronto, Canada]: International Turfgrass Society
# of Pages:2
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Warm season turfgrasses; Cynodon; Zoysia; Eremochloa ophiuroides; Genetics; DNA; Genetic markers; Hybridization
Geographic Terms:East China
Abstract/Contents:"The genetic resource of bermudagrass,zoysiagrass [, zoysiagrass] and centipedegrass over the China was collected during 1993-1999, and 735 accessions of bermudagrass, 130 accessions of zoysiagrass and 150 accessions of centipedegrass are maintained in the germplasm plots of our institute right now. The distribution of the main warm season turfgrasses in China was preliminarily determined. The morphological variation, phenophase, drought resistance, cold hardy and turf quality of the accessions were evaluated. DNA markers was [were] also used to identify the promising accessions. Some variation was obtained by the hybridation [hybridization] and mutation. Several acccessions [accessions] have been widely used to establish the turf in East China. The result of the project will play a [an] important role in chinese [Chinese] turfgrass genetic resource utilization and turfgrass breeding."
Note:This item is an abstract only!
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Liu, J., A. Guo, Y. Zheng, H. Guo, J. Zhou, S. Chen, et al. 2001. The assessment and improvement of warm season turfgrasses genetic resource conducted in East China during 1993-2000. Int. Turfgrass Res. Conf. 9:p. 63-64.
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