Full TGIF Record # 85936
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Publication Type:
Author(s):Barnett, Ron
Author Affiliation:Freelance writer, Easley, South Carolina
Title:Green network in the Golden Strip: Serving a growing market in Greenville
Section:South region
Other records with the "South region" Section
Source:Turf: South. Vol. 13, No. 8, August 2002, p. B15, B17-B19.
Publishing Information:St. Johnsbury, VT: Moose River Publishing LLC
# of Pages:4
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Lawn and landscape professionals; Economic impacts; Lawn care industry; Lawn care services; Business profile; Business management; Landscape services industry; Irrigation
Subjects' Names:Wagher, Nate
Business Name:NatureCare Landscape Engineering
Geographic Terms:South Carolina
Abstract/Contents:Describes the work of Nate Wagher of NatureScape Landscape Engineering neer Greenville, South Carolina. Explains that the "Golden Strip" of growing suburbs "along the Interstate 385 corridor" have created a boom in development, which means a boom in the landscaping business. Describes the career path of Wagher, from his early days in reel mowers to his current focus on irrigation. Says that "with South Carolina in its fourth year of drought, Wagher's focus on irrigation is timely and in demand." Explains the benefits of cooperating with competitors who are more talented in a certain field, stating that "`a lot of guys in this business, they look at each other as competitors. That's not the way to look at it...if you work together, do what you're good at and help other guys put in their package.'"
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Barnett, R. 2002. Green network in the Golden Strip: Serving a growing market in Greenville. Turf: South. 13(8):p. B15, B17-B19.
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