Full TGIF Record # 95153
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Publication Type:
Content Type:Q & A
Author(s):Smith, Bunny; Wogomon, Scott
Author Affiliation:Smith: Managing Editor; Wogomon: Associate Editor, Golf Couse Management
Title:End of the road
Column Name:Fore questions
Other records with the "Fore questions" Column
Source:Golf Course Management. Vol. 72, No. 6, June 2004, p. 46, 48.
Publishing Information:Lawrence, KS: Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
# of Pages:2
Keywords:TIC Keywords: Golf course architects; Personal profile; Golf; Technology; Equipment for play; Golf industry trends; Career growth; Budgets; Golf balls
Subjects' Names:Morrish, Jay
Abstract/Contents:Announces the retirement of golf course architect Jay Morrish. Profiles Morrish, highlighting his career achievements. States that Morrish has "had a hand in designing more than 100 courses over...40 years." Discusses "why [Morrish is] calling it quits in 2004." Explains that golf has "gotten to the point where equipment has leveled the field and brought a lot of mediocre players to the forefront." Suggests that "if [an architect wants] to challenge the best players in the world to hit all 14 clubs, [architects have] to give them a course with at least 7,000 to 7,100 yards." Offers advice to superintendents managing golf courses with large layouts, advising them to "make sure [they've] got enough money in [their] budget, because [they're] going to need it." Mentions Morrish's post-retirement plants.
Note:Pictures, color
ASA/CSSA/SSSA Citation (Crop Science-Like - may be incomplete):
Smith, B., and S. Wogomon. 2004. End of the road. Golf Course Manage. 72(6):p. 46, 48.
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